
Genuflecting Towards Complicity

  It is disturbing to see so many folks paying obeisance to Donald Trump as he prepares to re-ascend to the presidency. To some extent, it’s understandable: Trump’s relationships are transactional, and his stance on an issue at a given moment appears to be dictated largely by his then-views of the agents (people, companies) involved. Given this, it seems only common sense to get on his good side by appeals to his vanity, so as to avoid incurring his wrath and becoming a target of his policies. This might arguably be considered ethical, even, if the agents truly believe what’s being protected will deliver a greater benefit to the world. But this genuflection carries a price: it legitimizes the whole of Trump’s agenda as favorable or at least acceptable, and creates more pressure for similar agents to fall in line or risk being left behind as targets of Trump’s disfavor. It normalizes compliance and weakens resistance at the very least—and, depending on the tributes being paid, could...

Righteous Vengeance or Empathetic Pragmatism?

When we are attacked, it feels good to respond in kind. It defends us; it signals that we won't take such abuse passively; and it satisfies our desire for retribution. This is possibly, maybe a reasonable strategy when the attack is purely spontaneous—spontaneous in our attacker's eyes as well as our own—and no innocents are drawn into the conflict. An example would be a very young kid hitting a peer to see whether they can do something mischievous like stealing a toy. But many of the attacks we suffer, and which we think are unprovoked, actually have a long backstory and hence justification in the attacker's eyes. Examples range from marital spats to family feuds to political animus to international conflicts to terrorism. Many times what we perceive as an unjustified attack is a bubbling over of long-standing tensions and grievances. How, then, to respond to these attacks that seem justified to our aggressor? It depends on our ultimate goal. If we want to lash out because...


Staring into the distance, she slowly chews her food. Lost in thought, like she can't be bothered with the here and now. Someone walks in; her eyes dart and fixate, silent. She swallows, and opens her mouth distractedly when fed another forkful. I wipe her chin yet again.

Alternate solution

In another solution to the equations that define the universe, President Clinton addressed the nation in a somber tone as she grieved the lives lost in the journey to today's announcement that infections were now at a manageable-enough rate to declare the pandemic under control. A semblance of normalcy on the horizon! While there was still discomfort at the draconian extent of the isolation measures that had been enacted, most agreed these had prevented an unfathomable disaster.

Thank you for being part of the solution

Heroes don't always wear capes or get featured on front pages. Sometimes heroes are those who show courage and bear hardship for the common good. They're the ones who reach out to help the powerless or the vulnerable. The ones who do what is right even if no one notices. All of you who are abiding by the coronavirus precautions: thank you. You are facing inconvenience and disruption, uncertainty and isolation, in order to protect those directly at risk and to preserve the health care system so it can continue to respond to emergencies for all of us. You are saving lives and saving society. It is no trivial thing, and you should be proud of your civic duty. Thank you. To all the front-line workers—the doctors and nurses and emergency personnel, the scientists and public health officials: a double thank-you for putting yourselves on the line, for taking very personal risks so that we may all be better off. To all the people who are keeping our infrastructure lights on---the p...

Technology Provides Tools, Not Panaceas

I take issue with Keith Spencer's clear implication in his Salon article that technology has no role in the elections. Two of the three objections he cites to the "computationalist mindset" are actually objections against the use of computers: "First, it enables malfeasance and incompetence.... Pen and paper, on the other hand, are tried-and-true tabulation methods that are not hackable. Second, computers are opaque...A layperson cannot audit the code of an app or website and determine if it is being manipulated." This is missing the point. Technology offers tools which in many cases can be put to good use, but which are just easier to employ in short-sighted or nefarious ways. It is often the human systems which design and use these tools that are not carefully planned and thus enable vulnerabilities, accidents, or malfeasance. The lack of care in establishing these human processes may indeed be partly due to the fetishization of technology as an automatic ...

Allies on the Inside

I was delighted to read Kwame Anthony Appiah's opinion piece in The New York Times , Stonewall and the Myth of Self-Deliverance . He raises a point that I have been making privately for a while: social movements need allies on the inside. If you're willing to seize the reins of power by force, maybe you don't. You simply forcibly remove those who oppress you, and voilĂ ! You're done. Except, of course, it's not that easy. Violent revolution involves collateral damage—including both direct victims of that violence and unforeseen consequences, such as abuses of power, should it succeed. It also requires substantial moral and physical support from a public that may be unwilling to sacrifice whatever comforts it now enjoys (including peace!) for a hypothetical future gain—a support that may be particularly hard to get when that gain is one that directly benefits only a subset of that public. Most modern social movements, at least in the Western world, are not looking...